In order to reactivate your purchase, please follow these steps:
1. Uninstall the IMAIOS product app
2. Reboot your device
3. Download and install the latest version of the IMAIOS product app
4. Make sure you are logged in with the same iTunes/Google account that you used to make the purchase.
5. Click the “Profile” button at the top right (the "Face-like" icon) for iOS and on the “Menu” (three dashes on the top left of the screen) for Android. Click "Restore" and follow this process
6. Once the "Restore” process is finished, click the "Profile"/ ”Menu” button again and log in using an IMAIOS account (if you do not already have one, use the “Register” button instead)
If your problem persists, please contact our Customer Support:, or directly on our contact form